Aug 27, 2009

First Fantasy Draft

People have been bugging me, asking why I don't do anything fantasy related on this page, and the reason is simple, really: No one reads this damn thing but my friends, and I play fantasy football with my friends, so what benefit would there be in showing my hand? But, after problems with the ESPN servers, chat conversations about what awful people we all were, and a tentative agreement to do this next year in Vegas, my first fantasy draft of the year is finally over.

Now, I know you don't care about this gentle reader, but you should know that I care. Know that I care so much that my overreactions to small things regarding the league will undoubtedly be humorous for you, so maybe you should care, but only about how much I care. Here is my squad after applying a last second trade of picks. Don 't you care a little?

QB: Phillip Rivers, Jay Cutler, Matt Schaub

RB: LaDanian Tomlinson, Derrick Ward, Willie Parker, Felix Jones, Le'Ron McClain, Jerious Norwood

WR: Randy Moss, Patrick Crayton, Kevin Walter

TE: Tony Gonzalez, Randy McMichael

D/ST: Patriots

K: Who cares?

All in all, I'm pretty happy with how I did having the 8 pick in a 10 team league. And that was before I heard Roy Williams broke his collarbone, making Crayton more valuable...someone has to catch for Romo...

Well, there's the draft recap for wholly unoriginal "Team Palmer".

Got any better names? Nez, I'm looking at you.


Unknown said...

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jack smith said...

I play fantasy footy with my friends, so what benefit would there be in showing my hand. But, after issues with the ESPN servers.US Masters Golf